A video teaser

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The curated genetic reference database for fish species
Allowing an unambiguous determination of fisheries products

Taxonomy: Families

Genera of family Acanthuridae :

Species of genus Abalistes of family Acanthuridae :

Species of genus Acanthurus of family Acanthuridae :

Species of genus Zebrasoma of family Acanthuridae :

Genera of family Achatinidae :

Species of genus Achatina of family Achatinidae :

Genera of family Acipenseridae :

Species of genus Acipenser of family Acipenseridae :

Species of genus Huso of family Acipenseridae :

Genera of family Agonidae :

Species of genus Agonus of family Agonidae :

Genera of family Alepocephalidae :

Species of genus Talismania of family Alepocephalidae :

Species of genus Xenodermichthys of family Alepocephalidae :

Genera of family Anarhichadidae :

Species of genus Anarhichas of family Anarhichadidae :

Species of genus Anarrhichthys of family Anarhichadidae :

Genera of family Anguillidae :

Species of genus Anguilla of family Anguillidae :

Genera of family Anoplogastridae :

Species of genus Anoplogaster of family Anoplogastridae :

Genera of family Antennariidae :

Species of genus Antennarius of family Antennariidae :

Species of genus Histrio of family Antennariidae :

Genera of family Apogonidae :

Species of genus Apogon of family Apogonidae :

Species of genus Paroncheilus of family Apogonidae :

Genera of family Argentinidae :

Species of genus Argentina of family Argentinidae :

Genera of family Arhynchobatidae :

Species of genus Bathyraja of family Arhynchobatidae :

Genera of family Ariidae :

Species of genus Arius of family Ariidae :

Species of genus Carlarius of family Ariidae :

Species of genus Galeichthys of family Ariidae :

Genera of family Ariommatidae :

Species of genus Ariomma of family Ariommatidae :

Genera of family Aristeidae :

Species of genus Aristeus of family Aristeidae :

Genera of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Astacus of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Austropotamobius of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Pacifastacus of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Pontastacus of family Astacidae :

Genera of family Ateleopodidae :

Species of genus Guentherus of family Ateleopodidae :

Genera of family Atherinidae :

Species of genus Hypoatherina of family Atherinidae :

Genera of family Aulostomidae :

Species of genus Aulostomus of family Aulostomidae :

Genera of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Balistapus of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Balistes of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Canthidermis of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Melichthys of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Sufflamen of family Balistidae :

Genera of family Batrachoididae :

Species of genus Chatrabus of family Batrachoididae :

Species of genus Halobatrachus of family Batrachoididae :

Species of genus Perulibatrachus of family Batrachoididae :

Genera of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Ablennes of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Belone of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Platybelone of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Tylosurus of family Belonidae :

Genera of family Blenniidae :

Species of genus Blennius of family Blenniidae :

Species of genus Ophioblennius of family Blenniidae :

Genera of family Bothidae :

Species of genus Arnoglossus of family Bothidae :

Species of genus Bothus of family Bothidae :

Species of genus Chascanopsetta of family Bothidae :

Genera of family Bramidae :

Species of genus Brama of family Bramidae :

Species of genus Taractes of family Bramidae :

Genera of family Caesionidae :

Species of genus Caesio of family Caesionidae :

Genera of family Calcinidae :

Species of genus Dardanus of family Calcinidae :

Genera of family Callionymidae :

Species of genus Callionymus of family Callionymidae :

Species of genus Synchiropus of family Callionymidae :

Genera of family Callorhinchidae :

Species of genus Callorhinchus of family Callorhinchidae :

Genera of family Cambaridae :

Species of genus Faxonius of family Cambaridae :

Species of genus Procambarus of family Cambaridae :

Genera of family Cancridae :

Species of genus Cancer of family Cancridae :

Genera of family Caproidae :

Species of genus Antigonia of family Caproidae :

Genera of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Alectis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Alepes of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Atule of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Campogramma of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Carangoides of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Caranx of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Chloroscombrus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Decapterus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Elagatis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Elegatis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Gnathodon of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Lichia of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Megalaspis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Naucrates of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Parastromateus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Pseudocaranx of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Scomberoides of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Selar of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Selaroides of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Selene of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Seriola of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Seriolina of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Trachinotus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Trachurus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Uraspis of family Carangidae :

Genera of family Carcharhinidae :

Species of genus Galeocerdo of family Carcharhinidae :

Species of genus Prionace of family Carcharhinidae :

Species of genus Rhizoprionodon of family Carcharhinidae :

Genera of family Caristiidae :

Species of genus Paracaristius of family Caristiidae :

Genera of family Centriscidae :

Species of genus Macroramphosus of family Centriscidae :

Genera of family Centrolophidae :

Species of genus Schedophilus of family Centrolophidae :

Genera of family Centrophoridae :

Species of genus Centrophorus of family Centrophoridae :

Species of genus Deania of family Centrophoridae :

Genera of family Cepolidae :

Species of genus Cepola of family Cepolidae :

Genera of family Chaetodontidae :

Species of genus Chaetodon of family Chaetodontidae :

Genera of family Chimaeridae :

Species of genus Hydrolagus of family Chimaeridae :

Genera of family Chirocentridae :

Species of genus Chirocentrus of family Chirocentridae :

Genera of family Chlamydoselachidae :

Species of genus Chlamydoselachus of family Chlamydoselachidae :

Genera of family Chlorophthalmidae :

Species of genus Chlorophthalmus of family Chlorophthalmidae :

Genera of family Cichlidae :

Species of genus Oreochromis of family Cichlidae :

Genera of family Citharidae :

Species of genus Citharus of family Citharidae :

Genera of family Clariidae :

Species of genus Clarias of family Clariidae :

Genera of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Alosa of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Clupea of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Ethmalosa of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Harengula of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Hilsa of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Jenkinsia of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Sardina of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Sardinella of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Sardinops of family Clupeidae :

Species of genus Sprattus of family Clupeidae :

Genera of family Colocongridae :

Species of genus Coloconger of family Colocongridae :

Genera of family Congridae :

Species of genus Conger of family Congridae :

Species of genus Echelus of family Congridae :

Species of genus Paraconger of family Congridae :

Genera of family Coryphaenidae :

Species of genus Coryphaena of family Coryphaenidae :

Genera of family Cottidae :

Species of genus Myoxocephalus of family Cottidae :

Genera of family Crangonidae :

Species of genus Crangon of family Crangonidae :

Genera of family Cyclopteridae :

Species of genus Cyclopterus of family Cyclopteridae :

Genera of family Cynoglossidae :

Species of genus Cynoglossus of family Cynoglossidae :

Genera of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Abramis of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Alburnoides of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Alburnus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Ballerus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Barbus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Blicca of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Carassius of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Chondrostoma of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Cyprinus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Gobio of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Labeo of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Leuciscus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Luciobarbus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Pelecus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Phoxinus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Rutilus of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Scardinius of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Squalius of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Tinca of family Cyprinidae :

Species of genus Vimba of family Cyprinidae :

Genera of family Dactylopteridae :

Species of genus Dactylopterus of family Dactylopteridae :

Genera of family Dalatiidae :

Species of genus Isistius of family Dalatiidae :

Genera of family Dasyatidae :

Species of genus Bathytoshia of family Dasyatidae :

Species of genus Dasyatis of family Dasyatidae :

Species of genus Fontitrygon of family Dasyatidae :

Genera of family Diretmidae :

Species of genus Diretmichthys of family Diretmidae :

Genera of family Distichodontidae :

Species of genus Distichodus of family Distichodontidae :

Genera of family Drepaneidae :

Species of genus Drepane of family Drepaneidae :

Genera of family Echeneidae :

Species of genus Echeneis of family Echeneidae :

Species of genus Remora of family Echeneidae :

Genera of family Eleotridae :

Species of genus Oxyeleotris of family Eleotridae :

Genera of family Elopidae :

Species of genus Elops of family Elopidae :

Genera of family Emmelichthyidae :

Species of genus Erythrocles of family Emmelichthyidae :

Genera of family Engraulidae :

Species of genus Anchoa of family Engraulidae :

Species of genus Engraulis of family Engraulidae :

Species of genus Thryssa of family Engraulidae :

Genera of family Ephippidae :

Species of genus Ephippus of family Ephippidae :

Species of genus Platax of family Ephippidae :

Species of genus Tripterodon of family Ephippidae :

Genera of family Epigonidae :

Species of genus Epigonus of family Epigonidae :

Genera of family Esocidae :

Species of genus Esox of family Esocidae :

Genera of family Etmopteridae :

Species of genus Etmopterus of family Etmopteridae :

Genera of family Exocoetidae :

Species of genus Cheilopogon of family Exocoetidae :

Species of genus Exocoetus of family Exocoetidae :

Species of genus Hirundichthys of family Exocoetidae :

Species of genus Parexocoetus of family Exocoetidae :

Genera of family Fistulariidae :

Species of genus Fistularia of family Fistulariidae :

Genera of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Boreogadus of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Eleginus of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Gadus of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Melanogrammus of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Merlangius of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Micromesistius of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Pollachius of family Gadidae :

Species of genus Trisopterus of family Gadidae :

Genera of family Gecarcinidae :

Species of genus Cardisoma of family Gecarcinidae :

Genera of family Gempylidae :

Species of genus Nesiarchus of family Gempylidae :

Species of genus Promethichthys of family Gempylidae :

Genera of family Gerreidae :

Species of genus Eucinostomus of family Gerreidae :

Genera of family Gobiidae :

Species of genus Gobius of family Gobiidae :

Species of genus Neogobius of family Gobiidae :

Genera of family Grapsidae :

Species of genus Grapsus of family Grapsidae :

Genera of family Gymnuridae :

Species of genus Gymnura of family Gymnuridae :

Genera of family Haemulidae :

Species of genus Brachydeuterus of family Haemulidae :

Species of genus Diagramma of family Haemulidae :

Species of genus Haemulon of family Haemulidae :

Species of genus Parapristipoma of family Haemulidae :

Species of genus Plectorhinchus of family Haemulidae :

Species of genus Pomadasys of family Haemulidae :

Genera of family Hemiramphidae :

Species of genus Hemiramphus of family Hemiramphidae :

Genera of family Heterenchelyidae :

Species of genus Pythonichthys of family Heterenchelyidae :

Genera of family Hexagrammidae :

Species of genus Ophiodon of family Hexagrammidae :

Genera of family Holocentridae :

Species of genus Holocentrus of family Holocentridae :

Species of genus Myripristis of family Holocentridae :

Species of genus Sargocentron of family Holocentridae :

Genera of family Ictaluridae :

Species of genus Ictalurus of family Ictaluridae :

Genera of family Istiophoridae :

Species of genus Istiophorus of family Istiophoridae :

Species of genus Makaira of family Istiophoridae :

Genera of family Kyphosidae :

Species of genus Girella of family Kyphosidae :

Species of genus Kyphosus of family Kyphosidae :

Genera of family Labridae :

Species of genus Acantholabrus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Bodianus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Cheilinus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Cheilio of family Labridae :

Species of genus Choerodon of family Labridae :

Species of genus Coris of family Labridae :

Species of genus Ctenolabrus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Epibulus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Halichoeres of family Labridae :

Species of genus Hemigymnus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Iniistius of family Labridae :

Species of genus Labrus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Symphodus of family Labridae :

Species of genus Thalassoma of family Labridae :

Species of genus Xyrichtys of family Labridae :

Genera of family Lampridae :

Species of genus Lampris of family Lampridae :

Genera of family Latidae :

Species of genus Lates of family Latidae :

Genera of family Leiognathidae :

Species of genus Aurigequula of family Leiognathidae :

Species of genus Gazza of family Leiognathidae :

Species of genus Leiognathus of family Leiognathidae :

Genera of family Leptochariidae :

Species of genus Leptocharias of family Leptochariidae :

Genera of family Lethrinidae :

Species of genus Gymnocranius of family Lethrinidae :

Species of genus Lethrinus of family Lethrinidae :

Species of genus Monotaxis of family Lethrinidae :

Genera of family Liparidae :

Species of genus Liparis of family Liparidae :

Genera of family Lobotidae :

Species of genus Lobotes of family Lobotidae :

Genera of family Lophiidae :

Species of genus Lophiodes of family Lophiidae :

Species of genus Lophius of family Lophiidae :

Genera of family Lotidae :

Species of genus Brosme of family Lotidae :

Species of genus Enchelyopus of family Lotidae :

Species of genus Lota of family Lotidae :

Species of genus Molva of family Lotidae :

Genera of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Aphareus of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Aprion of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Apsilus of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Lutjanus of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Macolor of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Ocyurus of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Paracaesio of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Pinjalo of family Lutjanidae :

Species of genus Pristipomoides of family Lutjanidae :

Genera of family Macrouridae :

Species of genus Coelorinchus of family Macrouridae :

Species of genus Macrourus of family Macrouridae :

Species of genus Malacocephalus of family Macrouridae :

Species of genus Trachyrincus of family Macrouridae :

Genera of family Malacanthidae :

Species of genus Caulolatilus of family Malacanthidae :

Species of genus Malacanthus of family Malacanthidae :

Genera of family Megalopidae :

Species of genus Megalops of family Megalopidae :

Genera of family Menidae :

Species of genus Mene of family Menidae :

Genera of family Merlucciidae :

Species of genus Merluccius of family Merlucciidae :

Genera of family Molidae :

Species of genus Mola of family Molidae :

Genera of family Monacanthidae :

Species of genus Aluterus of family Monacanthidae :

Species of genus Stephanolepis of family Monacanthidae :

Genera of family Monodactylidae :

Species of genus Monodactylus of family Monodactylidae :

Genera of family Moridae :

Species of genus Gadella of family Moridae :

Species of genus Laemonema of family Moridae :

Species of genus Mora of family Moridae :

Species of genus Physiculus of family Moridae :

Genera of family Moronidae :

Species of genus Dicentrarchus of family Moronidae :

Genera of family Mugilidae :

Species of genus Chelon of family Mugilidae :

Species of genus Liza of family Mugilidae :

Species of genus Mugil of family Mugilidae :

Species of genus Oedalechilus of family Mugilidae :

Genera of family Mullidae :

Species of genus Mulloidichthys of family Mullidae :

Species of genus Mullus of family Mullidae :

Species of genus Parupenaeus of family Mullidae :

Species of genus Parupeneus of family Mullidae :

Species of genus Pseudupeneus of family Mullidae :

Species of genus Upeneus of family Mullidae :

Genera of family Muraenesocidae :

Species of genus Cynoponticus of family Muraenesocidae :

Species of genus Muraenesox of family Muraenesocidae :

Genera of family Muraenidae :

Species of genus Echidna of family Muraenidae :

Species of genus Enchelycore of family Muraenidae :

Species of genus Gymnothorax of family Muraenidae :

Species of genus Muraena of family Muraenidae :

Species of genus Thyrsiode of family Muraenidae :

Genera of family Myliobatidae :

Species of genus Myliobatis of family Myliobatidae :

Species of genus Pteromylaeus of family Myliobatidae :

Genera of family Nemipteridae :

Species of genus Nemipterus of family Nemipteridae :

Species of genus Scolopsis of family Nemipteridae :

Genera of family Nephropidae :

Species of genus Homarus of family Nephropidae :

Species of genus Nephrops of family Nephropidae :

Genera of family Nettastomatidae :

Species of genus Nettastoma of family Nettastomatidae :

Genera of family Nomeidae :

Species of genus Cubiceps of family Nomeidae :

Species of genus Psenes of family Nomeidae :

Genera of family Octopodidae :

Species of genus Octopus of family Octopodidae :

Genera of family Ocypodidae :

Species of genus Ocypode of family Ocypodidae :

Genera of family Ophichthidae :

Species of genus Ophisurus of family Ophichthidae :

Genera of family Ophidiidae :

Species of genus Brotula of family Ophidiidae :

Species of genus Dicrolene of family Ophidiidae :

Species of genus Lamprogrammus of family Ophidiidae :

Species of genus Ophidion of family Ophidiidae :

Genera of family Oreosomatidae :

Species of genus Allocyttus of family Oreosomatidae :

Genera of family Osmeridae :

Species of genus Hypomesus of family Osmeridae :

Species of genus Mallotus of family Osmeridae :

Species of genus Osmerus of family Osmeridae :

Genera of family Osphronemidae :

Species of genus Osphronemus of family Osphronemidae :

Species of genus Trichopodus of family Osphronemidae :

Genera of family Ostraciidae :

Species of genus Rhinesomus of family Ostraciidae :

Genera of family Palaemonidae :

Species of genus Macrobrachium of family Palaemonidae :

Species of genus Palaemon of family Palaemonidae :

Genera of family Palinuridae :

Species of genus Palinurus of family Palinuridae :

Species of genus Panulirus of family Palinuridae :

Genera of family Pandalidae :

Species of genus Plesionika of family Pandalidae :

Genera of family Pangasiidae :

Species of genus Pangasianodon of family Pangasiidae :

Genera of family Paralichthyidae :

Species of genus Syacium of family Paralichthyidae :

Genera of family Parastacidae :

Species of genus Cherax of family Parastacidae :

Genera of family Parazenidae :

Species of genus Cyttopsis of family Parazenidae :

Genera of family Pempheridae :

Species of genus Pempheris of family Pempheridae :

Genera of family Penaeidae :

Species of genus Litopenaeus of family Penaeidae :

Species of genus Melicertus of family Penaeidae :

Species of genus Metapenaeus of family Penaeidae :

Species of genus Parapenaeopsis of family Penaeidae :

Species of genus Parapenaeus of family Penaeidae :

Species of genus Penaeus of family Penaeidae :

Genera of family Percidae :

Species of genus Gymnocephalus of family Percidae :

Species of genus Perca of family Percidae :

Species of genus Sander of family Percidae :

Genera of family Percophidae :

Species of genus Bembrops of family Percophidae :

Genera of family Peristediidae :

Species of genus Peristedion of family Peristediidae :

Genera of family Petromyzontidae :

Species of genus Lampetra of family Petromyzontidae :

Species of genus Petromyzon of family Petromyzontidae :

Genera of family Phycidae :

Species of genus Phycis of family Phycidae :

Genera of family Platycephalidae :

Species of genus Papilloculiceps of family Platycephalidae :

Genera of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Atheresthes of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Eopsetta of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Glyptocephalus of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Hippoglossoides of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Hippoglossus of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Lepidopsetta of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Limanda of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Microstomus of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Platichthys of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Pleuronectes of family Pleuronectidae :

Species of genus Reinhardtius of family Pleuronectidae :

Genera of family Polybiidae :

Species of genus Liocarcinus of family Polybiidae :

Genera of family Polymixiidae :

Species of genus Polymixia of family Polymixiidae :

Genera of family Polynemidae :

Species of genus Galeoides of family Polynemidae :

Species of genus Pentanemus of family Polynemidae :

Species of genus Polydactylus of family Polynemidae :

Genera of family Pomacanthidae :

Species of genus Pomacanthus of family Pomacanthidae :

Genera of family Pomacentridae :

Species of genus Abudefduf of family Pomacentridae :

Species of genus Chromis of family Pomacentridae :

Genera of family Pomatomidae :

Species of genus Pomatomus of family Pomatomidae :

Genera of family Portunidae :

Species of genus Callinectes of family Portunidae :

Genera of family Priacanthidae :

Species of genus Heteropriacanthus of family Priacanthidae :

Species of genus Priacanthus of family Priacanthidae :

Genera of family Pristigasteridae :

Species of genus Ilisha of family Pristigasteridae :

Genera of family Psettodidae :

Species of genus Psettodes of family Psettodidae :

Genera of family Rachycentridae :

Species of genus Rachycentron of family Rachycentridae :

Genera of family Rajidae :

Species of genus Amblyraja of family Rajidae :

Species of genus Dipturus of family Rajidae :

Species of genus Raja of family Rajidae :

Species of genus Rajella of family Rajidae :

Genera of family Raninidae :

Species of genus Ranina of family Raninidae :

Genera of family Rhinobatidae :

Species of genus Rhinobatos of family Rhinobatidae :

Genera of family Rhinochimaeridae :

Species of genus Neoharriotta of family Rhinochimaeridae :

Genera of family Salmonidae :

Species of genus Coregonus of family Salmonidae :

Species of genus Hucho of family Salmonidae :

Species of genus Oncorhynchus of family Salmonidae :

Species of genus Salmo of family Salmonidae :

Species of genus Thymallus of family Salmonidae :

Genera of family Scaridae :

Species of genus Calotomus of family Scaridae :

Species of genus Chlorurus of family Scaridae :

Species of genus Leptoscarus of family Scaridae :

Species of genus Scarus of family Scaridae :

Species of genus Sparisoma of family Scaridae :

Genera of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Argyrosomus of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Atractoscion of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Johnius of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Miracorvina of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Otolithes of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Pentheroscion of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Pseudotolithus of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Pteroscion of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Sciaena of family Sciaenidae :

Species of genus Umbrina of family Sciaenidae :

Genera of family Scomberesocidae :

Species of genus Cololabis of family Scomberesocidae :

Genera of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Acanthocybium of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Auxis of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Euthynnus of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Katsuwonus of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Rastelliger of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Rastrelliger of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Sarda of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Scomber of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Scomberomorus of family Scombridae :

Species of genus Thunnus of family Scombridae :

Genera of family Scophthalmidae :

Species of genus Scophthalmus of family Scophthalmidae :

Genera of family Scorpaenidae :

Species of genus Neomerinthe of family Scorpaenidae :

Species of genus Pontinus of family Scorpaenidae :

Species of genus Pterois of family Scorpaenidae :

Species of genus Scorpaena of family Scorpaenidae :

Genera of family Scyliorhinidae :

Species of genus Galeus of family Scyliorhinidae :

Species of genus Scyliorhinus of family Scyliorhinidae :

Genera of family Scyllaridae :

Species of genus Scyllarus of family Scyllaridae :

Genera of family Sebastidae :

Species of genus Helicolenus of family Sebastidae :

Species of genus Sebastes of family Sebastidae :

Genera of family Sepiidae :

Species of genus Sepia of family Sepiidae :

Genera of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Aethaloperca of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Anthias of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Anyperodon of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Caprodon of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Cephalopholis of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Epinephelus of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Hyporthodus of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Mycteroperca of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Paranthias of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Plectropomus of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Rypticus of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Serranus of family Serranidae :

Species of genus Variola of family Serranidae :

Genera of family Sesarmidae :

Species of genus Neosarmatium of family Sesarmidae :

Genera of family Setarchidae :

Species of genus Ectreposebastes of family Setarchidae :

Species of genus Setarches of family Setarchidae :

Genera of family Siganidae :

Species of genus Siganus of family Siganidae :

Genera of family Sillaginidae :

Species of genus Sillago of family Sillaginidae :

Genera of family Siluridae :

Species of genus Silurus of family Siluridae :

Genera of family Soleidae :

Species of genus Buglossidium of family Soleidae :

Species of genus Microchirus of family Soleidae :

Species of genus Pegusa of family Soleidae :

Species of genus Solea of family Soleidae :

Species of genus Synaptura of family Soleidae :

Genera of family Somniosidae :

Species of genus Centroselachus of family Somniosidae :

Species of genus Zameus of family Somniosidae :

Genera of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Acanthopagrus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Argyrops of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Argyrozona of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Boops of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Calamus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Dentex of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Diplodus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Lagodon of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Lithognathus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Oblada of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Pagellus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Pagrus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Polysteganus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Pterogymnus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Rhabdosargus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Sarpa of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Sparus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Spicara of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Spondyliosoma of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Stenotomus of family Sparidae :

Species of genus Virididentex of family Sparidae :

Genera of family Sphyraenidae :

Species of genus Sphyraena of family Sphyraenidae :

Genera of family Sphyrnidae :

Species of genus Sphyrna of family Sphyrnidae :

Genera of family Squalidae :

Species of genus Squalus of family Squalidae :

Genera of family Squatinidae :

Species of genus Squatina of family Squatinidae :

Genera of family Squillidae :

Species of genus Squilla of family Squillidae :

Genera of family Stromateidae :

Species of genus Pampus of family Stromateidae :

Species of genus Stromateus of family Stromateidae :

Genera of family Synaphobranchidae :

Species of genus Ilyophis of family Synaphobranchidae :

Species of genus Synaphobranchus of family Synaphobranchidae :

Genera of family Synodontidae :

Species of genus Saurida of family Synodontidae :

Species of genus Synodus of family Synodontidae :

Genera of family Terapontidae :

Species of genus Pelates of family Terapontidae :

Species of genus Terapon of family Terapontidae :

Genera of family Tetraodontidae :

Species of genus Ephippion of family Tetraodontidae :

Species of genus Sphoeroides of family Tetraodontidae :

Genera of family Torpedinidae :

Species of genus Tetronarce of family Torpedinidae :

Species of genus Torpedo of family Torpedinidae :

Genera of family Trachichthyidae :

Species of genus Gephyroberyx of family Trachichthyidae :

Genera of family Trachinidae :

Species of genus Echiichthys of family Trachinidae :

Species of genus Trachinus of family Trachinidae :

Genera of family Trachipteridae :

Species of genus Trachipterus of family Trachipteridae :

Genera of family Triakidae :

Species of genus Mustelus of family Triakidae :

Genera of family Trichiuridae :

Species of genus Aphanopus of family Trichiuridae :

Species of genus Trichiurus of family Trichiuridae :

Genera of family Triglidae :

Species of genus Chelidonichthys of family Triglidae :

Species of genus Eutrigla of family Triglidae :

Species of genus Lepidotrigla of family Triglidae :

Species of genus Trigloporus of family Triglidae :

Genera of family Uranoscopidae :

Species of genus Uranoscopus of family Uranoscopidae :

Genera of family Xiphiidae :

Species of genus Xiphias of family Xiphiidae :

Genera of family Zanclidae :

Species of genus Zanklus of family Zanclidae :

Genera of family Zeidae :

Species of genus Zenopsis of family Zeidae :

Species of genus Zeus of family Zeidae :


A genetic database collaboration developed by the Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology together with the Max Rubner-Institute - Department of Safety and Quality of Milk and Fish Products and Impetus Bioscience.

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Sample collection performed by the Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology in cooperation with the University Mohammed V-Agdal (Morocco), the Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas (Cape Verde), the National Agricultural Research Institute (The Gambia) and the EAF-Nansen Project.

Funded by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Formation of Cadres and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Reinhold Hanel (portrait)
Reinhold Hanel portrait

// TODO: These are the details for the Reinhold Hanel portrait ...

Responsible for the content/editorial:
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Hanel

Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute

Institute of Fisheries Ecology
Herwigstraße 31, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany
Phone: +49 471 94460 200
Fax: +49 471 94460 199
Email: aquagene@thuenen.de

Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute
Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Bundesallee 50, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
Phone: +49 531 596 1218
Fax: +49 531 596 1099
Email: info@thuenen.de

© 2025 Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute